
“Want a better way
to burn fat? Just
build lean muscle.”

- Megan Davies, Beachbody Super Trainer

Transform your body
in 21 days. Start Free Trial!

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What do #mbf Muscle Burns Fat results
look like?

Ashley V.

“I love Megan, she is on another level! Her
sense of humor is what gets me through these

—Ashley V.

Holly M.

“I haven’t felt this good since I had my first child, nearly 9 years ago.”

—Holly M.

You'll love getting in shape right at home

I've helped tens of thousands of people reach their fitness goals through my Beachbody programs, #mbf Muscle Burns Fat, and #mbfa Muscle Burns Fat Advanced. Follow my simple approach, and I'll prove it can work for you too, in just 3 weeks.

Meet Your Trainer

“Here’s what makes my system work

Muscle Engagement


You’ll gradually
challenge your
muscles to help
burn stored fat.

Musical Intensity


Each move is set
to the beat, to
help you keep a
steady pace.

Metabolism Boost


Building muscle helps
burn calories even
when you’re resting.

Simple Nutrition


Follow a delicious
meal plan that also
helps you achieve

See results in just 3 weeks!

I made the moves easy to follow, and broke the program into two simple 3-week phases.

Phase 1

#mbf uses short resistance routines
mixed with cardio to ignite the fat-burning
over your first three weeks.

Phase 2

#mbfa Muscle Burns Fat Advanced is the
perfect follow-up to help take your results
to the next level. Or simply repeat Phase 1
until you're ready to take it up a notch.

Plus, you'll get 1,500+
additional Beachbody

When you order #mbf today, you also get unlimited
access to ALL of Beachbody's 1,500+ proven
workouts, which have helped millions of people
change their lives for the better.

1,500+ Additional Beachbody Workouts

They did #mbf... Now look at them!

Marcus L.

“#mbf is a great workout you can feel from day
one. You don’t need a gym to get amazing

—Marcus L.

Liz G.

“I loved feeling the music. This program taught
me to not be afraid of weights.”

—Liz G.

Every transformation has
a beginning. Are you
ready for yours?

See you on day one!

See you on day one!

See you on day one!